The definition of "Servant Leader" is someone who shares power, puts the needs of others first and helps people develop and perform to their highest possible potential. The definition of "Mentor" is an experienced and trusted guide. Marc Lalonde is both of... CONTINUED BELOW 🔽
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The definition of "Servant Leader" is someone who shares power, puts the needs of others first and helps people develop and perform to their highest possible potential.
The definition of "Mentor" is an experienced and trusted guide.
Marc Lalonde is both of these and more.
He is selfless, genuine, sincere, and passionate about those who are learning from him in BrandingYouniversity.
His work ethic is beyond most people's comprehension.
Why, you might ask?
Because It is of the utmost importantance to Marc that we "get it" and that we "succeed".
If you are in need of an online digital marketing guru - Marc is definitely the person you want teaching you or working with you.
You will never have to question whether you are getting the entire pie or just being served a slice at a time.
I have learned more from Marc in the past couple months then I have learned online in the last year.
I highly recommend you follow him, because someday in the not to distant future he will probably have a course you will want to know more about.
Donna Gede-Garrett
📝 Entrepreneur Testimonial by Donna Gede-Garrett for Joseph Marc Lalonde
📝 Entrepreneur Testimonial by Donna Gede-Garrett for Joseph Marc Lalonde