I have been active in the online marketing space for approximately 2 years now. I have primarily focused my efforts on video marketing and blogging. Social media has never been my focus and Twitter specifically was a platform that I didn’t pay attention to and... CONTINUED BELOW 🔽
🎥 Scroll to bottom for FULL VIDEO 🔽

I have been active in the online marketing space for approximately 2 years now.
I have primarily focused my efforts on video marketing and blogging.
Social media has never been my focus and Twitter specifically was a platform that I didn’t pay attention to and really didn’t even understand.
When I saw Marc had a training on Twitter marketing I had to check it out!
Man am I glad that I did!
Marc’s training is very thorough and left me feeling great about setting up my Twitter account correctly (since I had it all wrong)!
Since going through Marc’s training and implementing what I learned, I have a consistent daily flow of new followers and leads and I am now a believer in the power of Twitter marketing!
Thanks so much Marc for your phenomenal training and support!
You Rock Man!
Robert Minarich
🎥 Entrepreneur Testimonial by Robert Minarich for Joseph Marc Lalonde
🎥 Entrepreneur Testimonial by Robert Minarich for Joseph Marc Lalonde
👀 WATCH below 👇